
Showing posts from May, 2020

پاکستان میں صحت کا نظام ایک چوراہے پر

اردو مترجم : عبد الصمد گدور  اپریل کے آغاز میں سوشل میڈیا پر ایک خبر بڑی تیزی سے گردش کررہی تھی اور ساتھ ہی ایک ویڈیو بھی شیئر کی گئی جس میں پولیس سی ایم سیکٹریٹ کے سامنے احتجاج کرنے والے ینگ ڈاکٹرز کو منتشر کرنے کی کوشش کرتے دکھائی دی۔پولیس کی جانب سے ینگ ڈاکٹرز ایسوسی ایشن کے مظاہرین کو لاک اپ کرنے سے قبل ہی سڑکوں پر گھسیٹا و مارا پیٹا دیکھا گیا ۔ کورونا وائرس کے خلاف جنگ میں فرنٹ لائن پر موجود ڈاکٹرز نے انتہائی ضروری حفاظتی آلہ جات Personal Protective Equipments(PPE) کی عدم دستیابی پر  مارچ کرتے ہوئے کوئٹہ سی ایم سیکٹریٹ بلوچستان کا رخ کیا جس پر پولیس کی جانب سے ان پر لاٹھی چارج کی گئی ۔وزیر اعلی بلوچستان کی یقین دہانی کروانے کے بعد پولیس اور مظاہرین کے درمیان اشتعال انگیزی ختم کی گئی ۔وزیر اعلی بلوچستان نے یقین دہانی کرواتے ہوئے کہا کہ ڈاکٹرز کو کورونا وائرس سے نمٹنے کے لیئے تمام تر ضروری آلہ جات اور PPE مہیا کی جائیں گی ۔جس کی عدم دستیابی کی وجہ سے پیرا میڈیکل اسٹاف بھی شدید متاثر ہوا ہے ۔ مذکورہ بالا واقعے نے صوبے میں نظام صحت کی خامیوں و کتاہیوں کو بے نقاب کیا ۔ مجموعی ...

The delayed cheque

Part 2 After 14 days (2 weeks) After travelling 35 km, I have reached university. The officer is sitting in the chair leisurely. “G, you,” inquires the officer again in an indifferent tone. “I am Ayaz Khan, sir,” again I try to bring his lost memory! “Acha, Acha, yar meet me after 12 p.m... Give me some time to search your documents,” he tells me. 12 p.m. “Han Ayaz, yar, I am sorry I have misplaced your documents. Kindly make another photocopied set of documents and submit it immediately,” he tells me with hat off regret. Awestruck, I try to evaluate the matter. “How precious time is for them,” I curse myself and leave. "Documents, sir," I hand over photocopies to him. Once again, he requests me to give him one week to process the documents. After 3 weeks (21 days) Following the long-irritating drive, I reach university. Thanks to China bikes for making journey ‘comfortable’ and feasible too! “You are Ayaz, right,” the officer asks. “Yes sir, I am,” I ...

The delayed cheque

Part 1 My visually impaired colleague Ali Tareen and I hardly reach the fourth floor of administration building of Karachi University. We both are here to seek information about the initiative through which government of Sindh has announced to compensate fee for disabled students. Ali is perspiring. We both take chairs. The concerned person appears and takes his chair. Ali and I have cleared entry test for M Phil programme and Ali has brought his admission slip along with him as a precautionary measure. This is because one has to be cautious while visiting university ‘bureaucrats', for they can ask for anything that might fall beyond the imagination of the person who is visiting the admin offices. “G” asks the person with whom we are to meet, “what brings you here?” Ali, quite humble in his tone, pays him ‘salam’ and inquires about the criterion for applying for fee compensation. Ali has brought his disability certificate with him. “Disabled already, yet need to certify that th...

A ban or a bane

Recently, in a dramatic move government of Balochistan has banned political activities at educational institutions. Soon after the notification issued by the government, the move has been frivolously criticised by students and academics alike terming the ban a ‘calculated’ move to rob the students of one of the fundamental rights. The ban is imposed under Section (r) (13) of Balochistan Employees’ Efficiency and Discipline Act 2011 (BEEDA).   Apart from critiques, the advocates of ban see it a legitimate move to curtail ‘violence’ which has often been linked with the ‘political activities’ of students. Furthermore, an advocate of ban even termed it legitimate while comparing the effectiveness of the ban as lucrative in depoliticizing the students as it has been in Japan! Ironically, the ban is antithetical to the basic provisions of constitution which are enshrined in fundamental rights. The fundamental rights enshrined in constitution benefit all the citizens of the...